
K3 Curriculum

Bible lessons and scripture memory are taught daily. Three year olds enjoy singing Bible songs as preparation to our Bible story. Students will learn a total of twenty-six scriptures and learn Bible stories from both the Old and New Testament. Once a month all of Rock Creek Christian Academy gathers in the Chapel (Rock Creek Bapist Church) for ‘Praise & Worship’.
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K4 Curriculum

A K4 student’s day is started with Bible Class. They learn and recite pledges to the American Flag, Christian Flag and the Bible.  We learn and recite Bible verses, sing songs, and respond to Bible doctrines that include: what is sin; who sins; who is God; who paid for our punishment for sin; and how can you know for sure that you are going to Heaven. They also learn how to pray.
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K5 Curriculum

Students learn Old and New Testament stories.  Old Testament stories include Creation, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.  New Testament stories include the Birth of Christ, the Early and Later Ministries of Jesus, the Crucifixion of Christ, and the Resurrection.  Students also memorize many Bible songs, the ABC Bible verses, and extended passages of Scripture.  Our emphasis in Bible is that each student would place their trust in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and grow in their relationship with Him.
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1st & 2nd Grades Curriculum

The students have daily Bible lessons and weekly chapel to instill biblical principals for daily living.
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3rd – 5th Grades Curriculum

Daily Bible lessons and Chapel once a week to instill biblical principles for daily living. 
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6th – 7th Grade Curriculum

The Middle School Bible courses are taught from a distinctively Christian viewpoint, by recognizing the Scriptures as the absolute, authoritative, inerrant Word of God.  The Bible courses are taught using Bob Jones University Press curriculum.  This curriculum is uniquely designed for each grade level in a way that promotes the students; spiritual growth.  The students will grow in their understanding of the Scriptures and in the ability of apply the Scriptures to their daily lives.  Spiritual growth is fostered in the students first by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit as they wrestle daily with the truths of Scripture.  Second, as students answer lesson questions, they are guided and encouraged by qualified instructors to live a Christ-centered life .The effectiveness of this sequence and the progress of the students’ growth is evaluated through quizzes, tests, classroom discussions, and a variety of activities.
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