Bible lessons and scripture memory are taught daily. Three year olds enjoy singing Bible songs as preparation to our Bible story. Students will learn a total of twenty-six scriptures and learn Bible stories from both the Old and New Testament. Once a month all of Rock Creek Christian Academy gathers in the auditorium for ‘Praise & Worship’.
Language development and listening skills that include color words, shapes, word opposites, animals, transportation, countries, community helpers, health, safety, and manners. Recognition of name, sound, and picture for short vowels sounds and consonants and formation of upper and lower case letters are introduced by an animal friend during Language Development time. The animal helps your child recognize the letter as well as learn the letter’s sound. Each letter has a song that helps reinforce the sound learned. Phonics time includes oral instruction followed by written practice. Three year olds will learn early writing skills as they practices letter formation. Students will develop hand-eye coordination as they glue items to the letter shapes at the beginning of the year and traces over letters the remainder of the year.
Numbers time is an active time involving oral instruction and written practice. Three year olds will learn to recognize numbers, count 1 – 30, and understand the concept of numbers 1 – 15. A fun song is used to introduce numbers 1 – 9 that also helps three year olds learn number formation.
Our three year olds will enjoy Spanish, computer, music, P.E., art, and creative movement once a week with a teacher other than their classroom teacher.
Social and emotional development is an important part of the three year old classroom. Because students will be taught from a biblical perspective they will learn that they are not just following our rules, but that God wants us to act in love and kindness. Students will learn how to communicate and play with each other using kind words and actions rather than using physical aggression to express their displeasure.